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Deprogramming with Dani

I first encountered Dani Katz when I saw her having a conversation on YouTube. I was instantly impressed with her intelligence and delighted in her ferocity of spirit.

An excerpt from Dani's Bio from her website...

As an evolutionary change-agent, Katz is passionate about supporting self-responsible, rebel superstars in embodying their most empowered, authentic selves. A self-proclaimed (and thoroughly embodied) Empowered Badassery Coach™, Katz guides new Earth superheroes through the transformational process with her trademark brand of fierce, tender, unconditional tough love and a diverse array of tools, techniques, and magic that supports conscious reality creators in taking responsibility for their shit, along with their every experience of reality, and transmuting their shadows into high vibing gifts that fortify their purpose, expand their impact, and make their lives and relationships, as well as our world infinitely more wonderful.

She is an author, journalist, educator, and transformational coach.

You can find out more about Dani here:

I think that you'll enjoy her too...

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